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15 Vacations That You'll Never Tell Your Grandkids About


There’s this thing that guys do that I was never a part of, and it revolves around traveling to places where you can … indulge in whatever base need you require. There’s no culture or adventure involved, it’s essentially going to a place where clubbing for several weeks on end means you’ll probably come home with a newborn child, no money and a handful of diseases.

Let’s take a look at some bachelor travel destinations. Never hurts to plan in advance.

Las Vegas, Nevada
It has loads of ways to spend all your hard-earned money, what’s not to like about it?

 Travel Destinations All Bachelors Want To Visit | Brain Berries

Ibiza, Spain
Ibiza is considered the European capital of beach parties and bad music, so this seems like the perfect place for a bunch of testosterone-laden men to spend a few weeks.
 Travel Destinations All Bachelors Want To Visit #2 | Brain Berries

Bangkok, Thailand
Let’s be honest here, we all know why people go to Thailand and it’s not because we think it’s an interesting country (though it is). It’s called sex tourism. It’s a thing, look it up. Or don’t look it up. It could get nasty.
 Travel Destinations All Bachelors Want To Visit #3 | Brain Berries

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Think Ibiza, but with Brazilian women. If that’s your thing. If that’s not your thing, it’s still where Brazilian women live. I mean, it’s in Brazil, what did you expect?
 Travel Destinations All Bachelors Want To Visit #2 | Brain Berries