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SOFT DONUT | SUGAR DONUT|How to make soft & good shape donut without donut cutter



💡Bread Flour is another type of flour that has higher protein which produces more gluten, results a higher dough rise & becomes more elastic than what All Purpose Flour can have. 💡For some will find the dough too wet, add up flour if it needs it. Dough consistency varies on some factors like absorption quality, protein amount and type of the flour, fat content of the milk, and size of the egg. ✔️How to make good shape Soft Donut | Sugar Donut 1 cup warm milk (fresh or evap) [240 ml] 1 egg 1/8 cup sugar [or 2 tbsp/30 grams] 2 tsp instant yeast 2 & 3/4 cups bread flour or apf [352 grams] 1/2 tsp salt 2 tbsp margarine/butter powdered or granulated sugar (for dusting/coating)

